“Here at Gym-Ken Gymnastics to ensure the safest and most enjoyable overall experience for both our students and their families, there are a few policies in place that we adhere to.
~ Registration Fee - There is a yearly registration fee of $50.00 per child (max $110). This fee is valid from September 1st - August 31 of the following year. The registration fee is reduced as the season progresses: Session 1 $50.00 per child, Session 2 $40.00 per child, Session 3 $30.00 per child, Session 4 $20.00 per child and summer programs $15.00 per child (all valid through August 31).
~ Sibling Discount – Gym-Ken offers sibling discounts for those families that have more than one child registered in any particular program.
~ Multiple Class Discount – Gym-Ken offers discounts for those families whose child/children participate in multiple classes.
~ Service Fees – Gym-Ken offers a payment plan where you may pay half of your tuition prior to the first class and the other half due Week 5 of the session. A $2 service fee will be added to all accounts who choose this option.
~ Late Fees – All accounts will incur a $10 Late Fee if no payment has been made to said account by the end of the second week of each session.
~ Military Discount - For all Military Members, I offer a 10% discount on your child's tuition. Please see the office for details.
~ Make-Up Policy – Children are allowed 2 make-up classes per session. You may do one of the following regarding make-ups…you may either call(603) 434-9060 or email (gkgym@aol.com) the office and in turn the request will be given to your child’s instructor who will then set up the make-up with you, you may see your child’s instructor before or after class and your coach will then determine the best option for your child OR you may use an Open Gym and the Open Gym fee will be waived. Please remember, Pre-School Open Gyms are held every Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30.
~ Snow Days – If your school district closes due to inclement weather, please be advised that Gym-Ken Gymnastics DOES NOT necessarily close as well. We will make the decision to remain opened or closed. Once our decision has been made, you will be notified via email or you may reference our website where it will be posted on our home page or you may call the gym at (603) 434-9060 where a pre-recorded message will announce the closure. If we have made the decision to close, then a scheduled make-up class will be offered to those classes affected.
~ Parking Policy – for the safety of all, please park your car and walk your children into the building for their scheduled class. PLEASE, do not drop off your child at the front door…it has caused a lot of congestion in the lot as well as backing up to Rte. 28.”